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Andis PMT Manifest

Problem statement

  • _No processes_ are fastest in execution but produce _random quality_
  • _Too many processes_ are slow in execution and produce _suboptimal quality_
  • A _motivated team_ that _anticipates a process_ produces higher quality than a demotivated team that simply follows a process


  • Only a high risk justifies an expensive process
    • Risk mitigation is the driver for designing processes
    • Do not invent theoretical risks to justify complex processes
  • Constantly improve processes:
    • If time, money and motivation spend on a process do not mitigate a severe risk, change the process
  • Accountabilities must be clear:
    • An accountable person can weight cost, schedule, team-motivation, product-quality, process-compliance and decide which one to drop.
  • Human decisions over Tools I:
    • If a human wants to make a change, a tool may request a rationale and it may complain, but a tool may not stop her/him.
    • If this freedom is misued, remove people from the project.
  • Human decisions over Tools II:
    • If a tool wants to make a change, it must not overwrite data entered by humans.
    • A tool may have own status fields instead.
  • Do not misuse processes
    • A process shall ensure the product-quality of a work result.
    • Other goals like _improving team communication_, _hiding shortcomings of tools_ or _spreading knowledge_ shall be solved differently